Conference Agenda 2001

President: Sir Peter Maxwell Davies CBE

Registered Charity No. 282751
Scottish Registered Charity No. SC038422

to be held at Colston’s Collegiate School Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1BJ
on Sunday, 22 April 2001, 9.00 a.m. for 9.30 a.m.


1. Welcome; Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last Conference (30 April 2000)

3. Matters arising

4. Endorsement of new Vice-Presidents: Brian Bonsor and Paul Clark

5. Honorary Life Membership: Bill England

6. Election of Officers and Committee

7. Discussion of Officers’ Reports:

7.1—7.10 Secretary; Treasurer; Membership Secretary; Country & Overseas Secretary; Examination Secretary; Competition Administrator; Branch Review Editor; Publicity Officer; Chairman, WBF; Chairman.

8. Future festivals

9. Resolutions to Conference

10. Amendments to Rules:

10.1 Constitution of sub-committees: Rule 4(i)

10.2 Business Members to be renamed Corporate Members: Rule 3(k)

11. Any other business

Any two members may make nominations for election of Officers and Committee by sending such nominations (proposed and seconded, and with the consent of the nominee, together with a short c. v. of the nominee) in writing to the Secretary not less than FOUR WEEKS beforehand. Resolutions may be moved by any Branch which shall give notice thereof to the Secretary FOUR WEEKS beforehand, i.e., by 25 March 2001. Any branch unable to send a representative to the Annual Conference shall be entitled to claim a postal vote on the election of Officers and Committee Members only. A request for a postal vote form and list of nominations, with a stamped self-addressed envelope, must be received by the Secretary not less than THREE WEEKS before the Annual Conference, i.e., by 1 April 2001. In accordance with a request made at the 1999 Conference, Officers’ reports, Resolutions, Nominations for Officers and Committee (with supporting statements) and other papers will be distributed about two weeks before Conference 2001. Officers’ reports should be sent to the Secretary by 7 April 2001.

Alistair Read (Hon Secretary)
24 February 2001


6. Election of Officers, Committee and Honorary Auditor

ELECTED ANNUALLY, eligible for re-election

Standing for re-election: 
Chairman Andrew Short, Secretary Alistair Read, Treasurer Brian Fraser-Hook, Membership Secretary John Allen, Branch Review Editor Madeline Seviour, Publicity Officer Bob Horsley, Chairman, Walter Bergmann Fund Graham Danbury


Country & Overseas Secretary (to succeed Emma Moore)
Jim Rowley (Proposed by Alistair Read Seconded by Moira Usher)
Secretary of the Birmingham Branch of the SRP since 1979. Member of two recorder consorts, two singing groups, and the local Early Music Forum. Age 66 this year; married Janet 1965; two daughters, three grandchildren (so far). Commercial property lawyer until retirement in 1996. Degrees (both BAs) —law, Cambridge, 1958, Birmingham, 1999. Languages: German, some French, a little Italian.

Examination Secretary (to succeed Anne Martin)
Sandra Foxall (Proposed by Andrew Short Seconded by Alistair Read)
I started playing the recorder at teacher training college. I joined the SRP in 1971 and have been musical director and treasurer of the Cleveland branch since 1979. 1 have taught recorder in primary and secondary schools and tutored on teachers’ training courses and playing days. Since 1988 I have been Secretary of the Recorder Summer School, and tutor since 1999 course. For the last four years I have taught adults at evening classes at Middlesbrough College. 1 was also involved in assisted primary and secondary children in an educational priority area project. I am now coming to the end of my three-year period on central committee, and I am a CSRP examiner.

Competition Administrator (to succeed Patricia Davies)
Nomination awaited 

Honorary Auditor
Robert Harrison
(Proposed by Brian Fraser-Hook Seconded by Alistair Read)


Committee members (two to be elected)

David Beare (Proposed by Andrew Short Seconded by Brian Fraser-Hook)
As Secretary of the Cumbria branch for 10 years, I am a keen advocate of the recorder, seeing membership rise by 60%. 1 am responsible for the logistics and marketing of the branch’s workshops and concerts. Having started in middle age, I am a typical branch player and would wish to represent those SRP members. I am supporting the SRP’s initiative on conducting in an area where we had real difficulty in finding a musical director. At this AGM, I am proposing that the Committee clarify for members the issues of performing rights and musical copyright.  I lead Wild Thyme which specialises in playing twentieth century music not only for the recorder but also with other instruments and voices. Performances are for charity and to promote the recorder. As a projects manager for 35 years and running my own water treatment business for 22, 1 believe I can contribute management and sales skills to the committee.

Hilary Oliver (Proposed by Eileen Silcocks Seconded by Brian Fraser-Hook)
I have played the recorder at school, through my local Youth Orchestra.Organisation, at Playing Days, Summer Schools and for the last seventeen years with the SRP—a ‘career’ spanning over 30 years. I also play in a local consort and with an early music group. At present I am the Secretary of the West Riding Branch and a couple of times a year double as conductor. My job as a music teacher takes me round Leeds to a variety of schools and teaching situations all of which pose interesting challenges. If elected this would be my second term on the Committee but I would enjoy the opportunity to give back something to an organisation which has giveü me enormous  pleasure and many friends

Mary Steele (Proposed by Ena Pick Seconded by Connie Hobbs)
During my-time as Head of Music ina large comprehensive school I developed a keen interest in the recorder as both a classroom and ensemble instrument. Pupils were encouraged to take part in concerts, festivals and competitions in the Hampshire area. Now retired, I play regularly with the Hampshire Sinfonia, mainly on the contra-bass, and was involved in their first CD production, both as a performer and in the developing of a Teachers Brochure to link the recordings to classroom projects within the requirements of the National Curriculum, as well as to extend the repertoire available to pupils in schools. Opportunities to maintain contact with County and Southampton Music Advisers have involved members of the Wessex SRP in workshops and Extravaganzas widening the teachers' and pupils' perception of recorder playing as a valid instrument to play to a high standard as does any other instrument being learnt at. home op school To this end, we have been able to visit several primary schools which then have had enhanced take-up in the recorder groups. As MD of the Wessex branch encouragement is given to all members, of whatever ability, to improve their p1aying but most of all to enjoy the wide variety of musical styles available to us.

Musical Adviser to sit on Committee
Alyson Lewin
(Proposed by Alistair Read Seconded by Brian Fraser-Hook)


Resolutions to Conference

1. That the Society investigates and issues a document giving guidance in the matter of performing rights and musical copyright. (Cumbria Branch)

2. The Committee agreed to recommend to Conference that the Society amend its Rules in the matter of sub-committees. To this effect the following amendments shall be made:

New Rule 4(i)

"The Committee shall have power to create and thereafter abolish such sub-committees as it shall from time to time deem necessary. The Committee shall define the powers duties and functions of such sub-committees and shall have power to vary the same. Any sub-committee shall consists of at least one member of the committee and such members of the Society as the committee shall appoint. All appointments shall be for a period not exceeding three years after which a member of a sub-committee shall be eligible for re-appointment."

Amend existing Rule 4(i) as follows:

Re-number as Rule 4(ii)

In lines 1 and 4 delete "sub-committees" and insert "working parties."

In line 2 after "functions" insert "of a temporary and non-recurring nature."


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