We currently have lists from branches holding different items.
You can look at the whole collection or restrict the search to a particular branch library.
You can search the libraries for particular composers, works, publisher references, and number of players.
You can also browse a list of all items in composer order.
In either case you can see, on the right of each item, a branch that has each item next to a right arrow icon. Clicking the right arrow shows all the branches that hold the item and the number of scores/parts held by each branch, together with any branch-specific information about the piece. Clicking on the branch identifier will create an email to send to that branch requesting that item. (If clicking the email link doesn't work on your computer you can send an email to, where branch is the name of the branch displayed on the screen.)
You can also download a printable pdf catalogue, organised either by composer or by number of parts.
The list is in order of composer then work. In the tab is a table of pages, showing the composer of the first entry on each page. Click the name of the composer to show that page.
You can then either click another composer name or use the next page and previous page arrows to navigate through the list.
To show the holdings for an item, click the right arrow icon at the end of the line. To show the holdings for all items, click the right arrow at the top right of the table.
Each holding shows the numbers of scores/parts, together with any branch-specific information.
The search is not case-sensitive (ie bach=Bach=baCh=bAcH)
You may search for any single string that might occur anywhere in any of the text fields:
eg aldi in the Composer field and ata in the Title field will find such listings as: Vivaldi - Trio Sonata Frescobaldi - Sonata da Chiesa Frescobaldi - Three Toccatas
Search for this | You will get this |
Composer Bach | All works by Bach, Offenbach etc |
Title ata | All works whose title includes Sonata, Toccata etc |
Composer: Bach No of Players: 4 Branch: EDI | All 4-part works by Bach et al held by Edinburgh Branch |
Note Searches cannot use AND logic - ie searching for prelude fugue will produce no results. Searching for prelude & fugue will produce results.
The list is in order of composer then work. In the tab is a table of pages, showing the composer of the first entry on each page. Click the name of the composer to show that page.
You can then either click another composer name or use the next page and previous page arrows to navigate through the list.
To show the holdings for an item, click the right arrow icon at the end of the line. To show the holdings for all items, click the right arrow at the top right of the table.
Each holding shows the numbers of scores/parts, together with any branch-specific information.