Useful information about our branch
The Cheltenham and Gloucester (C&G) branch of the Society of Recorder Players (SRP) celebrated its 40th anniversary in April 2022. The occasion was marked by a celebratory Playing Day led by Helen Hooker with 40 people attending. Our founder, John Thorn, accompanied by Helen, his wife, joined in the fun for the afternoon.
C&G SRP is a large, welcoming and friendly group of players usually meeting in the well ventilated St Luke’s Church Hall, Cheltenham, GL53 7HP. Our get-togethers are held on the second Saturday of each month (unless otherwise indicated) starting at 2pm and ending at 5pm including a refreshment break of approximately 25 minutes. We play a wide range of recorders from the Sopranino down to the Contra Bass. Each month a visiting conductor brings a wide variety of music to maximise our enjoyment.
New players and visitors are always welcome including those who are feeling a little ‘rusty’ or who have limited experience of playing in a group. If you know how to play your instrument and can follow sheet music we’d be pleased to welcome you for a complimentary session with no obligation. You will need to bring your own music stand. All music is provided on the day.
Our programme for January to December 2025
January 11th Kate Allsop
February 8th Pam Smith
March 8th Ann and Steve Marshall
April 12th Roger Abbott and Lesley Chapman
May 10th Miriam Monaghan – Playing Day*
June 14th Janet Frost
July 12th Julia McKinley
August 9th Members and Friends afternoon
Sept 13th Kate Allsop
October 11th Ann Marshall
Nov 8th tbc
Dec 13th tbc
*This will be held in Matson Baptist Church, Gloucester. All other meetings in St Luke’s Church Hall, Cheltenham GL53 7HP.
Should you require any further information please contact Stephen Ayland via email () or mobile (07751298840).
Chair: Stephen Ayland email: phone 07751 298840
We are a large but friendly group. We usually meet on the second Saturday of each month. Meetings run from 2pm to 5pm and include a short tea/coffee break.
The branch holds a Playing Day most years. See below for two photos from the 2017 Playing Day with Sheila Richards. Click here to see photos from the 2015 Playing Day with Caroline Jones.
In December 2016 Pam Smith stood down as our Musical Director after many years in the role. Click here to see photos from Pam’s last session as our MD.
Visitors are always welcome. All music is provided but please bring your own music stand.
Cheltenham & Gloucester Branch enjoys free reciprocal visiting rights with North Cotswold Branch.