Chairman: Alasdair Nisbet
Committee liaison (conductors, treasurer, membership, website, etc.): Katie Stone
Committee members: Sarah Cawkwell, Tom Hudson, Jean MacRae, Glynis P Vercoe, Helen Skelton

Image of Dick Whittington’s cat playing recorder ©John Minnion. Reproduced by kind permission.


Quick checklist of what to bring to the session:

  • Recorders
  • Music stand – people prefer not to share and we cannot guarantee spares 
  • Correct money if a visitor who could not pay in advance

2024/25 programme – subject to change

7 September 2024

Michael Copley

1 March 2025

Keith Abbs
5 October 2024 Last minute change: Keith Abbs

5 April 2025

Michael Copley
2 November 2024 Alasdair Nisbet
(includes a short AGM at start)

3 May 2025

Emily Baines
7 December 2024 Keith Abbs

7 June 2025

Keith Abbs
4 January 2025 David Moses

5 July 2025

Andrew Collis
1 February 2025 Mark Windisch

August 2025

No playing session – renewals and accounts

NOTE: Booked in 2025/26 – Helen Hooker for November 2025 and July 2026.


We meet at Highgate International Church, 272 Archway Road N6 5AU. You can see us on the SRP branch map here; or find detailed directions on our own venue page. Please use the Cafe entrance (not the main entrance) unless there are new arrangements in place for Covid-safety in which case instructions will be provided on the day. 

Playing sessions

Our sessions are held on the first Saturday of each month from 2.30pm-5.30pm. There are months when we have to vary the date, so do check the programme and monthly emails. The room is open from 2pm and playing starts at 2.30pm. Please allow time to sign in and set up. Music will be provided. You will need to bring your own music stand. We try and finish around 5.25pm to allow for clearing up and exiting the venue. 

How it works

We have a different conductor for each session. Some might do more than one in the year. In some years we appoint a conductor to do three sessions and they may work on some technique areas as well as our usual playing. The music is selected by the conductor and it is whatever they choose to challenge us with. We work on pieces at that session, but we do not receive the music in advance; nor do we take music away to practise – it is a fresh start each month. The sight-reading challenge is eased by having quite a number of others on the same part – anything from 1 or 2 (some bass parts) up to 8 or 9 (tenor or alto). Those on the same part will usually sit together. You may choose to switch parts between pieces. If you do, it is sensible to seat near the middle. 


We break for refreshments during the afternoon, organised by volunteers from the branch on a rota basis (costs are reimbursed). Refreshments are free as the branch agreed to fund them from September 2018. This decision will be re-visited each year at the AGM based on branch funds. We try and find someone to help serve the refreshments, but if we can’t then it is job of our small community and we hope people will volunteer to help. If everyone joins in, it should only be once a year maximum.

Visitors and new members

We enjoy welcoming new members and visitors from other branches (or people new to SRP who want to try it out first). If you just want to show up to try it out, you do not need to let us know in advance. However, if you prefer to know that you are expected and to have a name of someone to approach on arrival, then email and we will ensure we look out for you. If you attend and then decide to join, we refund you your visitor fee. If you want a try-out session or want to just come and observe the first time that is also fine. Here is a leaflet with all the details you need: New Joiners Leaflet_North London_2024


Our conductors are a mixture of keen members, active and retired musicians and professional recorder players. All conductors are offered a fee of £100 and are reimbursed for copying and travel. Guidance for conductors.

Further information available from .

Emails from the branch If you are receiving emails from us it is because at some point you have provided your email address. If you no longer wish to receive the mailings, please send an email with the title UNSUBSCRIBE to and you should not receive any further general mailings. If you are receiving emails from the Yahoo group it is because you have joined. You will need to follow the instructions to unsubscribe from that group separately. It is not run by the North London Branch.

Subscriptions 2024-25 


Membership renewal will take place during August and September. People who have never been a member of SRP can join in January for half price.

Type of membership Fee 
Full membership (F) £70.00 per year – £2.12 per hour
(£30 goes to central SRP)

Reduced fee for full membership (R)

Available once only in January each year for entirely new members. Will be charged the full fee in the following September. 

£35.00 one-off – £1.67 per hour
(£12.50 goes to central SRP)
Associate membership (A)
(for full members of another SRP branch)
£40.00 per year – £1.21 per hour
Household membership (Hh)
(where more than one full member lives at the same address)
£105.00 per year – £1.59 per hour per person for household of two
(£42.50 goes to central SRP)

Under 30 or full time education (S)
(must name institution and be able to supply evidence if asked)

£40.00 per year – £1.21 per hour
(£10 goes to central SRP)
Visitor (not a member of another branch) £8.00 per visit – £2.67 per hour
Visitor (member of another SRP branch) £7.00 per visit – £2.33 per hour

Subscriptions should be transferred direct into our bank account (details below) 




Account name: SRP N London Branch

Sort code: 82-60-13

Account number: 50176620

Reference: Your name

Bank: Virgin Money (Was Clydesdale Bank, but all the other details have remained the same and will still work.)

Verification: Some banks will not verify this account. To be safe you can bypass the verification, transfer 50p as your first transaction and I will confirm receipt before you transfer the balance. You’ll need to email me to let me know that you need me to check. 


Last updated 24 December 2024