Branch Secretary: Grenville Heath Phone: 07907 760549

Meetings are usually held on the second Saturday of each month, (exceptions in red) from 2.30pm – 5pm.  For venue see top right-hand side of page.

2024/25 meeting dates:- Sept 14th; Oct 12th; Nov 9th; Dec 14th; Jan 11th; Feb 8th; Mar 8th; Apr 12th; May 10th; Jun 14th; Jul12th; Aug 9th;

Caroline Jones was invited to lead a playing day on Saturday 12th October 2024.  It took place at the Haling Dene Centre, Cannock Road, Penkridge, ST19 5DT.  Caroline presented a challenging and varied programme of music which was also designed to enable the playing of instruments of all sizes.  Thank you Caroline for an interesting and enjoyable day’s playing.

A whole day of playing Unbarred Renaissance Music was led by our MD Alyson Lewin on Saturday 24 February 2024.

The venue for the event was the Haling Dene Centre, Cannock Road, Penkridge, ST19 5DT.  We played dances and music from other genres written in the Renaissance period before bar lines were used.  We experienced the freedom when playing music not originally constrained by this modern invention.  A pleasant and enjoyable day was had by all.

40th Anniversary Celebrations

South Staffs Recorder Players was founded by Alyson Lewin in 1983.  Alyson is still MD today.

The event was celebrated by holding a special playing day on March 11th 2023 with Alyson conducting.  The event took place at the Haling Dene Centre, Penkridge, Staffordshire, which has the facility to accommodate the extra number of players it attracted.  Existing and ex members along with invited guests made up the ensemble.

The programme for the day was varied, fun and testing at times but always enjoyable.  Alyson was commissioned to write a piece specially to mark the occasion.  This she did and, based upon her local knowledge, aptly called it ‘A Staffordshire Ramble’.  The piece brought out the full range of instruments.

Alyson had also been nominated for a long service award from the SRP.  This was presented to her on the day.

All in all, the event was most enjoyable; and a fitting way to celebrate the branch’s 40 years and, of course, the 40+ years of Alyson’s dedication to recorder playing.

The photos are of the players on the two sides of the room and Wendy presenting Alyson with the Long Service Award.

We put on Open Playing Days and arrange Pastoral Visits from time to time. Recently, we took part in a Stafford Music Festival by putting on an Open Workshop.

Two images taken on Caroline Jones’ enjoyable and successful visit to the branch (click on image to see full-size version):

South Staffs meetings are for anyone who can read music and enjoys playing the recorder.  The playing of more than one size of recorder is optional. You don’t have to worry about holding a part on your own or playing solos.
We don’t cater for absolute beginners, but can put you in touch with experienced teachers.
The meetings are an ideal way to make contact with other players in the area.
Age is no barrier – we’ve had members from eight to eighty plus!

New members and visiting players are always welcome.

Membership fee includes an amount payable to the SRP, branch costs and a subscription to the quarterly Recorder Magazine.  

Current fees for September 2023 – August 2024 are:

  • Individual Member £40
  • Household £62
  • Student £10
  • Visitor £5 ( free for first two visits) which includes refreshments.

Conference and Festival Weekend:

Our branch hosted the annual SRP Conference and Festival weekend which was held at Wolverhampton Grammar School on April 18/19th 2015.

Last updated 3 January 2025