These pieces were commissioned and paid for by the Society of Recorder Players for the benefit of all recorder players. Non-members of the Society are invited to make a donation via PayPal for each piece downloaded to contribute to costs. If you would like to join the society, click here.

Thank you for your donation.

You can download the score and parts as separate pdfs, or download the whole work as a zip file.
(Note that if your browser is configured to display pdfs rather than save them, each pdf will open in a new window from which you can save a copy to your computer.)

Quattuor Musicae by Paul Max Edlin (2014)

Score  Treble Tenor 1 Tenor 2 Bass Great Bass Contrabass

Whole work

Lament by James Welland (2011)

Score Descant Treble Tenor Bass 1 Bass 2 Great Bass Contrabass

Whole work

Valse Chromatique by Dominic Irving (2011)

Score Treble Tenor Bass 1 Bass 2 Great Bass

Whole work

Thaw by Jim Sutherland (2010)

Score Descant Treble Tenor Bass

Whole work