In association with the SRP
Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire
From £205
Our experienced and enthusiastic team of recorder tutors welcome you to our ever popular 2019 RecorderFest.
In this wide-ability course, the tutors will ensure you are placed in a group of an appropriate level, and there may be movement between groups as the course progresses.
Those of elementary standard, reasonably proficient at reading music, will benefit from a patient and sympathetic approach. More experienced players will enjoy being stretched in ensemble sessions with an option to explore one-to-a-part work benefiting from relaxed and friendly guidance. Participants at this level should offer at least two instruments and be confident sightreaders. The most advanced players, who must be strong sight readers with good rhythmic skills, have the confidence to work solely on one-to-a-part repertoire, offer all four different instruments (and be able to swap between them with ease) and produce ensemble sound of consistently high quality, will benefit from exacting and highly skilled musical and technical guidance, as always delivered in a supportive manner.
Contact: / 01462 459446