St Michael's Church Sutton on the Hill Ashbourne
7.30pm - 9.45pm
"The Flower of All Cities – A musical tour through 16th century London”
Elizabethan London was a vibrant, bustling city and the epicentre of English cultural life – a rapidly expanding metropolis teeming with a mix of courtiers, merchants and artisans as well as prostitutes, beggars and cutpurses. Music would certainly have been part of the noisy soundscape whether it was a refined courtly consort, the shawm band of the city musicians or the street music of pipers, fiddlers and singers.
In this show, Piva will be playing a mix of music from the period from the stately court through to the lively tavern and they will be bringing the city to life with stories and tales from the time.
Contact: Piva / Tel.: 01283 732247