Recorder playing day at the CatStrand Arts Centre
The CatStrand, High St, New Galloway, Castle Douglas
10am - 4pm
£16 including lunch, £3 for under 16s
Dust off your descant or buff up your bass and come along to the inaugural Gremlin (Glenkens Recorder and Early Music Link) recorder playing day, led by guest conductor Anne Martin, musical director of the Society of Recorder Players Edinburgh branch. All levels of experience are welcome, and we are particularly keen to see young people who would like to build on the playing they have done at school. Coffee will be available from 10am and the morning playing session runs from 10.30 until 12.30 with a break mid way. A hour for buffet lunch gives a chance to relax and network. Afternoon playing runs from 1.30 until 3.30 and those who would like to will then give a short, informal recital for family and friends.
Cost £16 (Under 16 £3) including lunch. Any surplus will be used to buy instruments and music for recorder groups in Kells (New Galloway) and Dalry Primary Schools.
To help us plan the day, please email the sizes of recorder you play (and can bring), your preferred size and the range of notes you can play to . Any questions can be sent to the same address.
Contact: / 01556 650365