Concerti da Camera - Vivaldi and his Venetian Contemporaries
St Olave's Church, Marygate, York
YO30 7BJ
Tickets: £18 (concessions available)
Chamber concertos and sonatas by Vivaldi, Marcello, Albinoni, Galuppi, Lotti and Bigaglia
Molly Marsh (oboe and oboe d'amore)
Huw Daniel (violin)
and The Herschel Trio
Graham O'Sullivan (flute & recorders)
Susanna Pell (viola da gamba)
Mie Hayashi (harpsichord)
For further details about this concert and the performers please see the website of the National Centre for Early Music (www.ncem.co.uk) or the Herschel Trio (www.herscheltrio.co.uk).
Contact: / 01904 658 338 (NCEM box office)