Gibbons Fantasias in 2, 3 and 6 parts: Suitable for: recorders, viols, violin family, other treble and bass instruments with a range of at least a twelfth
online via Zoom
10.30 am
£6 min
fantasia, fantasy, fancye, phansie … a musical term which has consistently signified freedom, an absence of structure.
Adopted in the Renaissance as a title for instrumental compositions whose form and invention sprang ‘solely from the fantasy and skill of the author who created it’ (Luis de Milán, 1535–6).
Compositions where ‘a musician taketh a point at his pleasure, and wresteth and turneth it as he list ….’ (Simpson, 1667)
This workshop will focus on developing our understanding and interpretation of these apparently wilful masterpieces ‘that stirs our blood, and raises our spirits, with liveliness and activity, to satisfie both quickness of heart and hand’ (Lord North, 1658)
We will spend our time playing and exploring three contrasting examples from this endlessly fascinating genre, all by Orlando Gibbons (of Silver Swan fame). Full details here
Please book using
https://www.cognitoforms.com/NEEMF2/ApplicationForZoomWorkshopOrTalk. You will just need a debit or credit card. If it is not possible for you to book this way, please email Joanna Rowling () to discuss alternatives.
Contact: Jo Rowling /