Palisander performs \’Double, Double, Toil and Trouble\’ in Saltaire!

Thu 13Oct2022

“Palisander– making recorders phenomenally interesting and exciting” – Katie Derham, BBC Radio 3, 2019.

Saltaire United Reform Church, Victoria Road, Saltaire, BD18 3LF

Victoria Road, BD18 3LF

7.30pm - 9.45pm

£22/free for under 16s.

High-profile young recorder ensemble Palisander comes to Saltaire with this exciting concert in the beautiful surroundings of the United Reform Church, newly re-opened after a long closure! Double, Double Toil and Trouble The intrinsic links between music and magic have been recognised throughout time, with Plato, Galileo & Pythagoras all writing on this subject. Palisander present music reflecting the Renaissance concept of the Three Magics; songs used to spread word of witchcraft; melodies sent through dreams by supernatural beings; new compositions inspired by the ancient concept of Music and the Spheres and music inspired by humanity’s fascination with the mystical and magical. Recorders: Lydia Gosnell - Miriam Monaghan - Caoimhe de Paor - Tabea Debus

Contact: / 07963 497 783