The Society of Recorder Players Essex Branch Newsletter March 2018
Meetings are held at St. George’s Church Hall, Ongar Road, Brentwood, CM15 9HR, usually on the first Saturday of each month (except August) 2.30 – 5.15 pm.
Dear SRP Essex Branch members.
I am pleased to forward our programme for the next few months.
April 7th
Verdelot A Madrigal and a Motet ATTBB/SATTB Oriel Ol197 OL 197
MacDowell To a Wild Rose SATB Schott
Loeillet Quintet in D minor AAAAB Dolmetsch
Short Brentwood Bayon SATB HawthornsRA128 RA128
Recorder Magazine Spring insert
May 5th Run-through Ingatestone items
Brunelli Ballo SSATB LPM EMLL322 EML322
Corelli Sonata a Quattro AATB ms
Elgar, arr. Bloodworth Polka – Helcia SAATTB Peacock P394 P394
Byrd The Carman’s Whistle AATB Oriel OL107 OL107
Pennick The Cuckoo is a Pretty Bird SopSATB Hawthorns RA72
June 3rd Ingatestone Hall performance
June 9th
Egenolfs Gassenhawerlin und Reutterliedlin SATB Heinrichshofen
Byrd 3 Fantasias AATB Oriel OL114 OL114
Scarlatti Quartet in F AATB ms
Sousa Liberty Bell SAATB Oriel OL176 OL176
July 7th
Mundy & White 2 Elizabethan Fancies ATTBB Oriel JC210 JC210
Purcell Sound the Trumpet SSATTB Peacock Press
Harvey Suite of Essex Folksongs SATBGb ms
Gershwin/Evry Summertime SATB Choice
Summer Magazine insert
1 September
‘SRP Essex Branch 40th birthday party, a session for present members and invited guests only’.
We have a Facebook page! Join the group by searching for The Society of Recorder Players – Essex Branch
Further branch meeting dates: April 7th, May 5th, June 9th (note date!) July 7th and 1 September.
If you haven’t paid your subscription for 2018-19 yet, please do so asap. Subscription rates are Adult £38, Associate (member of another branch) £14.50, Student £23, Family £64. Please pay by bank transfer if possible (sort code 20-12-21, account no 50834602, reference ‘your surname’). If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to ‘The Society of Recorder Players’ and post to the Treasurer (Judith Underwood, 27 Brentwood Place, Brentwood CM15 9DN).
Data Protection
Because the Society prepares its membership list on a computer but currently uses that list only for communicating with members the Data Protection Act 1998 does not apply to the list. The only personal information held by the Society is that which appears in the membership list. The list is distributed only to members of the Society for personal use and is not used or distributed by the Society or Branches for any commercial or other purpose.
We have an extensive music library which we need to find a new home for – can anyone suggest a suitable location? It needs to be in or near Brentwood so that it is accessible when we need it for meetings, and be clean, dry and secure.
Bass recorder: The branch has a bass which is available for members to borrow, either to play at a meeting or to take home to practise. Please contact Madeline if you would like to borrow it.
Honorary Chair anniversary year Marion Panzetta 01277 216093
Musical Director Madeline Seviour 020 8553 5940
Treasurer Judith Underwood 01277 231081
Secretary Annelies Wing 01992-573383
Librarian Christine Minns 01277 212379
Committee member Janet Holt 01277 213128
Committee member Caroline Saul 01371 873211