There are two SRP Branches and two affiliated Recorder Groups in Kent:

Kent Branch usually meets near Maidstone

Weald of Kent Branch usually meets near Tonbridge

Dunorlan Recorders offers occasional playing events (evenings, days, weekends) and concerts in the Tonbridge area. Future events are listed below.

Saturday 28 September 2024   Symphony Day with Stephen Watkins

Tonbridge Methodist Church, Higham Lane, Tonbridge, TN10 4JG
10:00 – 17:00 (5 pm), £17.50

Come and play one of Stephen Watkins’ symphonic works especially written for recorder orchestra under the direction of the composer.

‘Stephen will bring his 4th Symphony. Stephen says about his 4th Symphony:  This work celebrates the world of mid nineteenth century North Germany, the world of Brahms. I lived for twenty years in the land of Niedersachsen and one of the abiding pictures I have in mind is that of vast forests with mists rising round the mellow colours of autumnal leaves; it is this world from which this piece stems. And in the spirit of Brahms strict observance of form is the structure which allows the humanity of this piece to display itself. ‘

All sizes of recorder required, especially large basses.
Contact: / 07855460115

4-6th October 2024
Recorder Weekend with Rebecca Austen-Brown at the Friars, Aylesford near Maidstone
10-12th January 2025:
Recorder Weekend with Philip Thorby at the Friars, Aylesford, near Maidstone.

Musical Director: Peter Bowman

Tonbridge North Recorders are a friendly group of about 15 recorder players directed by Dr Peter Bowman, a professional recorder player and teacher.  We meet on Monday evenings in a church hall in Tonbridge, from 8-10 pm to play a wide variety of music.  We follow school terms, usually with 10 meetings for each of the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms and in addition we give occasional concerts. If you are interested in joining us, please contact us for more information.  You should be able to sight-read music at an intermediate level and preferably play at least 2 of the four standard instruments.


Last updated 14 August 2024