Outstanding Loans
DateLoaned toNotes
Returned Loans
DateLoaned toNotesReturned


You can record issue or return of a loan by using the Search or Browse to find the item and clicking the Loan button. If the item has been loaned previously, this is called Loans, and shows the number of current loans in parentheses; clicking it additionally shows details of all loans.

You can use Search, Browse or Add/edit entries to find entries to edit or delete.

To add new entres, use Add/edit entries.

To change how your branch uses the two branch-specific fields, go to Branch Settings.

The Catalogue function here is like that on the Branch Music Libraries page but has an extra option to include private branch-specific information.

For more information, see the Guide to Editing Branch Information

Composer: Any part of name: eg ach for Bach
Title: Part of title:eg ata for Sonata/Toccata
Reference: Publisher/catalogue no:eg Oriel or OL 226
No of Players:
All loans
Current loans
Each result matches all completed fields

The search is not case-sensitive (ie bach=Bach=baCh=bAcH)

You may search for any single string that might occur anywhere in any of the text fields:

eg aldi in the Composer field and ata in the Title field will find such listings as: Vivaldi - Trio Sonata Frescobaldi - Sonata da Chiesa Frescobaldi - Three Toccatas

Search for this You will get this
Composer Bach All works by Bach, Offenbach etc
Title ata All works whose title includes Sonata, Toccata etc
Composer: Bach No of Players: 4 Branch: EDI All 4-part works by Bach et al held by Edinburgh Branch

Note Searches cannot use AND logic - ie searching for prelude fugue will produce no results. Searching for prelude & fugue will produce results.


Ref No. players Scoring
Holding Scores Total parts

First select the composer. You can either click the button on the right to show the whole list, or type any part of the composer's name to show possible matches. The existing composers will be shown with a green background, and the new name you have typed, if it does not match any existing composer, will be in white with '(new)' after it. If the composer is not in the list, type the whole name, surname first - for example Bach, J. S. - and choose the new name from the list.

If you choose an existing composer, you can then look at all the items by that composer, in a similar way. If you select an existing item, its details will be shown. If you do not have a copy the item will be shown in green prefixed by '+'; if you already have a copy, the item will be shown in yellow prefixed by 'Δ' and your holding will also be shown.If you chose a new composer, then simply type the title of the item into the box.

If you typed or selected a new item then you can type the rest of its details into the remaining boxes in this section. If there is an arranger, choose from the list or add a new arranger as for the composer.
The reference should be the publisher and reference no - eg. Oriel OL123.

If this is a new Holding, complete the number of scores and the total number of parts in your library - eg. a quartet with a score and one set of parts would be 1 score 4 parts. If your branch has other information about its holdings (see Branch Settings), add the relevant information for this item. Finally, cliack Add

If there is an existing holding, you can edit the information in it and click Save, or remove it by clicking Delete.

p1: p2:

You can record up to two extra fields of information (p1 and p2) about your holdings. For example, you might use p1 for a catalogue number. Give the field a suitable short name: for example, call p1 "Cat"

Choose whether the information is to be public or private. If it is public, it will be shown to anyone looking at the online data, and included in the public catalogue. If it is private, it will only be shown online in the administration page, and will only be included in a private catalogue for branch use.

Include private fields
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