Welcome to the Oxford Branch.

Our meetings are usually held on the third Saturday of the month, from 2 to 4.45. Meetings are held at the West Oxford Community Centre in Botley. See the venue page for directions. All music is provided – please bring your recorders and a music stand.

Meetings are free to members and to first time visitors – so do come along and try us out.
Annual subscriptions are £60 for individuals, £90 for families and £20 if you are under 30 or a full-time student. If you join the Oxford branch you enjoy reciprocal membership with the North Cotswold branch. Non-members pay £6.50 per meeting after the first.
If you would like to join the branch you can complete a membership application online, or if you prefer you can download a membership application in Word or pdf, and also a gift aid form.

We welcome members and visitors of any age, including children and young people, in accordance with the SRP safeguarding policy.


There is information about the music played at past meetings on the programme archive page.


21st September 2.00-4.45 Janet Frost  
19th October 2.00-4.45 John Hawkes plus short AGM
16th November 2.00-4.45 Judith Schmidt  
21st December 2.00-4.45 Janet Frost, John Hawkes, Tina Mitchell, Judith Schmidt


18th January 2.00-4.45 John Hawkes  
15th February 2.00-4.45 Nick Epton  
15th March 2.00-4.45 Rosemary Robinson with spinet accompaniment
12th April 2.00-4.45 Janet Frost NOTE 2nd Saturday
17th May 10.00-4.45 Michael Graham Playing Day
21st June 2.00-4.45 Judith Schmidt  
19th July 2.00-4.45 Ann and Steve Marshall  


Chair Tina Friedrich 07531 374761
Secretary Gwen Klepping 07761 633783
Treasurer Anthony Hall 07779 255147  
Programme Organiser
Helga Bogisch-Francis 01189 463928
Committee John Hawkes, Rebecca Huxley,  Michelle Koster, Maggy Lynch, Judith Schmidt


The branch has a library of music that members can borrow. See the Music page for information about this and for other sources of music.


The branch has some recorders available on loan. See the Instruments page for information about these and recorder sales and repairs.

Other Activities

As well as our monthly meetings, members meet in and around Oxford to play one-to-a-part. Please contact the treasurer or secretary if you are interested.

There is a group that meets weekly on Thursday mornings in Wallingford: contact the secretary or treasurer for details.

The Windrush Recorder Ensemble rehearses in Cassington one Sunday a month and gives one or two concerts each year. Please contact Judith Schmidt () if you are interested in joining.

Last updated 16 February 2025